When Is The Right Time to Adopt Value Capture Zoning™ (VCZ)™?
Cities have a timely & unique opportunity to explore & install these VALUE CAPTURE tools NOW
Housing Element & Zoning Compliance: Value Capture tools can be a key part of your housing element / zoning code updates – tying new density with community benefits and infrastructure
Specific Plan or General Plan Revisions: Planning document creation / revisions give Cities / Counties an opportunity to include and implement Value Capture Zoning™ (VCZ)™
Value Capture Zoning™ (VCZ)™ captures High Demand for New Uses: Creating a DOR® Bank is particularly useful in areas where there is high demand for uses and zoning changes are needed to add capacity
Economic Development Strategies (Tax Increment Approach): Evaluate opportunities to leverage zoning as an inducement for private investment by placing density areas in a TIF District such as; Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) or Climate Resilience District (CRD)
Value Capture Zoning™ (VCZ)™ can support RHNA and Housing Element compliance:
If you have an approved Housing Element, look at remaining sites with unassigned zoning density as potential targets for DOR®.
Value Capture Zoning™ (VCZ)™ adds density to Housing Element sites using the DOR® bonus which can supercharge RHNA compliance
Cities have ~ 3 years to update zoning to align with HE – now is the time to use DOR® and install Value Capture Zoning™ (VCZ)™ to pursue RHNA compliance